Life Interrupted – Being BUSY and Still in “Wait” Mode

After a lengthy hiatus from blogging, and even from updating websites, I AM BACK!  I realized as I participated in a workshop about making better use of the new sites, applications, and opportunities on the internet that I hadn’ t even made good use of the older sites and had dropped out of the communication chains I had previously established or in which I had once belonged.  Life interrupted.  I got busy.  I bet you know how that happens, too.  Just so many every day things get in the way…..repairing the car, helping a sick or injured friend, projects or a job to make a living.  And before you (and I) know it, months and maybe even years have gone by!

So, before I start making and posting new videos, offering new classes, getting on Pinterest and MANY more websites, I decided to come back to this blog and share the remaining Listening-to-Spirit Cards – one each week – with explanations of the spiritual concept represented by each card.

Between Life and Death    (Suspended in Time)

Between Life and Death
(Suspended in Time)

This week I am featuring an appropriate card:  Between Life and Death

This card usually refers to being in “wait” mode.  It is about being between activities, being between projects or goals, knowing that something new awaits but not knowing what the something is.  And in this uncertain state, we wait….suspended in time…..for something to show us the way.  For most of us, there is a sense of being in a time warp, with time either standing still, or when looking backward, time went by very quickly.   In this context “death” simply means CHANGE….a new direction.

In the Listening to Spirit Book e-book, which goes with the Listening to Spirit Cards, (Divination Cards used to help access intuition and Divine knowledge) it is presented this way:

This is a transition card. It can be read in several different ways, depending on the issue and whether it is specific to the present or transcends time.  If the issue (and concern) is about the present, it may mean the person is in a time of waiting, a hiatus before some change that is foretold for the future. Sometimes it also means a “letting go” of the past, breaking free of a limiting or constricting situation and getting ready to begin a new phase or set a new direction. If the reading is a Soul Journey reading in which past lives are referenced, this card may be read as a time between lifetimes. Depending on the position of the card, it may also refer to soul contract or spiritual learning without a physical body. Occasionally the Between Life and Death card may indicate the person is just “existing” rather than “living” —that they have not embraced their life. In this case, the card may also mean the person is not present in their own life or is not “being” all they can be.

All of that can be daunting, if you (or I) let it be.  I choose to embrace the transition while being in gratitude that it is now time to move in a new and more fulfilling direction!

About sharoncoodypsychic

I am a psychic medium specializing in channeled readings from your guides. I discovered at the age of 14 or 15 that I had this gift when a friend's grandmother who had recently died brought a message to me to give to her granddaughter. Since then I have used this gift to help others in various ways. As a metaphysical minister and psychic I offer readings on spiritual purpose as well as counseling and guidance for spiritual growth and healing. As a certified hypnosis practitioner and instructor my services include private sessions for positive change and training for certification as a hypnosis practitioner. I also conduct Past Life Regressions and Between Life experiences.

Posted on September 24, 2014, in Changing Awareness, Listening to Spirit Cards and tagged , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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